Monday Night Combat Wiki

If her grapple can kill the Assault from the front, why not Support? He has 25 less health without the level 3 Passive Upgrade.~L3377MA573R

  • Default Support has the Silver armor endorsement, and it's popular for custom Supports to use Gold armor. Default Assault doesn't use an armor endorsement.StarPilot 19:54, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
  • I find that she is very underpowered when she fights tanks (due to her being one shotted while he survives a fully upgraded backstab) is this a balance problem or are thre some tricks to make them manageable Assasincreed 02:57, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
  • "If you aren't patient, don't play an Assassin, you won't be much help to your team if you keep running into a fight and dying." - I do not agree with this advice. The main flaws I see in assassin play is when they rush to get level 3 cloak and then slowly move around the play area doing nothing. Doing something is better than doing nothing. You may not be getting as many kills as the gunners (killing bots from behind and shurikening turrets seems to take up a lot of my time) but you'll actually be helping your team. You neeed not be patient, when you see something to do, do it, but be ready with that smoke bomb -> jump -> cloak and don't worry too much about dying. Xatm092 22:33, January 27, 2011 (UTC)

I laugh at assassins - A Snipers View[]

My custom Sniper is tooled out with Silver Level armour... As such when I'm in my tunnel vision view If I happen to get back stabbed I accept it...

It's the idiots that try to face stab me that make me laugh.

They're like WTF and I'm like, Sniper Grapple Lvl 2 Get, OUT of my House!

I'm too lazy to make an account so Just call me Sut. 17:13, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Strategy should be modified a bit (last part)[]

(In bold should be removed or modified, ex : AGAINST AN ASSASSIN shouldn't be all caps).

  • AGAINST AN ASSASSIN: A Level 3 Armor Upgrade will allow you to survive most assassination attempts until the assassin is level 3. This allows you to catch the Assassin off guard and often leads to hilarious "WTF" moments if you catch the Assassin's player on mic.
  • If you happen to notice that the enemy team has a Laser Blazer Turret then you can use your cloak to sneak around to reach it. When no one is looking move into the turret's range and taunt. This will usually net you 3/4 of your Juice bar. NEVER ATTEMPT THIS WITH ROCK-IT TURRETS! They will shred you in 3-4 hits